Wednesday, February 4, 2015

EEL week 15

EEL Week 15


Complex/Interrogative-pg 233 in our Guide

Let's review the different ways to make a declarative sentence interrogative.
1) Add a question mark
2) Use an interrogative pronoun such as who, whom, whose, which, what
3) Use a helping verb
 Can anyone remind me what the helping verbs are?
Do, does, did, has, have had, am, are, is, was, were, be, being, been, may, must, might, should, could, would, shall, will, can

I gave my daughter the old cell phone when I ordered myself a new one.
1) I gave my daughter the old cell phone when I ordered myself a new one?
2) Who gave my daughter the old cell phone when I ordered myself a new one?
3) Shall I gave my daughter the old cell phone when I order myself a new one?

Now that we know the purpose of this sentence, what is it's structure? Complex
How do we know? The sentence has a subordinating conjunction-when, therefore our sentence has a subordinate clause "when I ordered myself a new one."

Let's go through our Question confirmation process to identify the jobs of each word in our sentence.
Parent's-if you need to review the question confirmation, see week three in our Guide.

Shall I give my daughter the old cell phone when I order myself a new one?
Vh   SP Vt  aj     IO          aj   aj   aj     DO     C    SP Vt    IO       aj  aj    DO

Now, let's diagram this.


What if we were to add an interjection here? Pick one
Hurray! I gave my daughter the old cell phone when I ordered myself a new one.
Let's add the interjection to our diagram.

Yippee! The sun is shining while it is snowing.
Man! Maggie ate all the cake because it was so delicious. 
What is the structure? 
Let's change the purpose to interrogative. 

Verb Anatomy-Chart N pg 424

Now don't let this chart freak you out. We are going to break it down piece by piece.
You already know the 5 parts of a verb from Foundations.

5 Parts-Infinitive, Present, Past, Present Participle, Past Participle
4 Forms-Simple, Perfect, Progressive, Perfect Progressive
3 Tenses-Past, Present, Future

Don't forget Person and Singular or Plural

Let's see who can find a verb the fastest. I'll call out a certain Form, Tense, Person, and Number and whoever locates it the quickest stand up.

Simple, Past, 1st Person, Plural
Perfect, Present, 2nd person, Singular
Progressive, 3rd Person, Plural, Present
Perfect Progressive, Future, 3rd person, Singular
Simple, Future, 2nd Person, Singular

Let's get our Analytical Task Sheets and we'll discuss Tasks 5 & 6
Example: Did Jesus, who died for me, make me a crown?
By Purpose: Did Jesus make me a crown?
By Structure
Simple- Jesus made me a crown.
Cd-Jesus made me a crown and He died for me.
Cx-Jesus made me a crown when He died for me.

Add modifiers
Wonderful Jesus quickly made me a glittering crown.

Make passive
The crown was made for me by Jesus.

Work on the practice sentences for week 15 in the Guide and work on memorizing Chart N.

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