Tuesday, November 18, 2014

EEL Week 11

EEL Week 11

Greetings all fellow travelers on the Essentials Expedition. I am back among the living and apologize for the half done lesson last week. I was just too sick to finish it. And thank you to my selfless substitute for helping out more than she should. Thanks again and blessings to you.

This week we will be covering the compound structure, exclamatory purpose, and S-Vl-PA & S-Vl-PN sentence pattern.

Example sentences:
1.Kayt is my friend.  2. Kayt is beautiful.
3. At Christmastime, Target is crowded.  4. Target is a store.
5. Casey is handsome.  6. Casey is my husband.

Can anyone tell me how to make a sentence exclamatory? Yes, add an exclamation mark. As simple as that.

In preparation for our pattern, let's first review our linking verb song. (Play song)
Can anyone tell me what a Predicate Nominative is?
A noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and renames the subject.
What about a Predicate Adjective?
Follows a linking verb and describes the subject.

What is the purpose of these sentences? Declarative
How can we make them exclamatory? Add exclamation point

Can anyone tell me the sentence pattern right away?
Let's go through our question confirmation.
1) Who or what is? Kayt
2) What is being said about Kayt? Kayt is
3) Kayt is what? My friend
4) Can friend be used to describe Kayt or rename Kayt? Is friend a noun or adjective?
An noun- so friend is a Predicate Noun S-Vl-PN

Let's do the same with the other sentences and see what their patterns are.
2) S-Vl-PA
3) S-Vl-PA
4) S-Vl-PN
5) S-Vl-PA
6) S-Vl-PN

We'll add complexity by looking at the compound structure with these example sentences:
Jesus is God, and He is King! Exclamatory, Compound, S-Vl-PN
Jesus is Holy, for He is alive! Exclamatory, Compound, S-Vl-PA

Let's take out our pens and Task sheets and go through Tasks 1-4 with these two sentences.

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