Sunday, October 19, 2014

Week 9 EEL

Open with prayer.

Overview of today's lesson: Compound, Declarative, S-Vl-PN, Linking Verbs, Charts K, C, D, E
optional OMT Lessons 2, 23, 42

Who can tell me what a verb is?
chant: a verb, is a word, that asserts an action, shows a state of being, links to words together, or helps another verb.

What are the four verb types?
Intransitive, Transitive, linking, helping
Who can define intransitive? transitive? linking? helping?
Can sing linking verb song with definition and list and helping verb song with list

Today we focus on the S-Vl-PN pattern in the Compound structure
What are the linking verbs again? (Write on board)
What is a predicate nominative? A noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and renames the subject.
Bob is a ball hitter. Hitter renames Bob. We could also say: The ball hitter is Bob. Bob = ball hitter

So wait a minute: How can we sat that 'is' is a linking verb when it's not on the list?

'Is' is a form of 'to be.' Review conjugations on the board
Infinitive                    to be
Present                       am, are, is
Past                            was, were
Pres. Participle          being
Past Participle           been

How about: Lucy became a queen.
Go through identifying jobs, making sure students clue in to the fact that even though queen answers the question 'what or whom?' after the verb, it would not be a direct object because no action is being transferred. Here is a good place to point out the importance of memorizing the linking verbs.

Now how do we diagram such a sentence?

Subj | verb\ PN

Can we come up with some of our own sentences?
Lilly feels upset so Madie becomes sad.
The cupcakes taste disgusting and they seem old.
(These are just some examples I came up with.)
Have students practice diagraming these as well.

Charts K,C,D, E
Tasks 1-4,5,or 6
OMT lessons 2, 23, 42

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